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Szturo Marek, Włodarczyk Bogdan
Postrzeganie ryzyka transakcji faktoringowych przez bank
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
2020, 2 (347)
p-ISSN: 0208-6018/e-ISSN: 2353-7663
Biorąc pod uwagę wrażliwość współczesnych banków na wzrost ryzyka bankowego, można zaobserwować swoistą ucieczkę w kierunku alternatywnych usług finansowych i związanego z nimi ryzyka. W badaniu rozważono następujące problemy badawcze: „Czy transakcja faktoringowa pozwala na ograniczanie ryzyka transakcyjnego przez bank?”, „Czy na rynku usług faktoringowych w Polsce występują zjawiska, które mogą sugerować preferencyjne podejście banków do ryzyka fak-toringu w kontekście obsługi klientów korporacyjnych?”. Artykuł stanowi podsumowanie wstępnego etapu badań nad ryzykiem transakcji faktoringowych w działalności bankowej. Celem badania była ocena percepcji ryzyka transakcji faktoringowej przez bank w kontekście wybranych statystyk rynku faktoringowego w Polsce. W badaniu wykorzystano metodę analizy piśmiennictwa, metodę porów-nań w czasie wybranych danych statystyki rynku faktoringu oraz metodę indukcji w kwestii wniosko-wania i ustalenia dalszych kierunków badań. Alternatywne usługi finansowe, do których należy fak-toring, dzięki elastycznej formie i zróżnicowaniu oraz możliwości wyłączenia z bilansów bankowych stają się coraz bardziej atrakcyjną formą finansowania klientów korporacyjnych banku – zwłaszcza krótkoterminowego.
faktoring, ryzyko bankowe, usługi finansowe
Napiórkowska-Baryła Agnieszka
Housing resources in Poland - an assessment made in terms of the quality of life
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio H. Oeconomia
2020, 54 (2), s. 67-76
p-ISSN: 0459-9586
Having a home has been cited as a principal good, both in economic and social terms. It plays a key role in human life. Having a home often determines other decisions, such as getting married, starting a family, and changing jobs. Research papers dealing with the question of home ownership or tenancy, as well as various publications issued by the government and non-government organisations, emphasise the problem of a housing deficit. However, the question of the quality of housing resources is raised less often. Living conditions are one of the research areas investigated in studies concerning the quality of life. The purpose of this article is to assess the quality of Poland’s housing resources at the regional level, using data from 2003 and 2016 and aided by Perkal’s synthetic indicator. According to this indicator, the Mazowieckie Voivodeship had the highest value (0.849), and the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship the lowest one (-0.722).
quality of housing resources; Perkal’s index; quality of life
Rutkowska-Ziarko Anna D., Markowski Lesław
Market and accounting risk factors of asset pricing in the classical and downside approaches
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio H. Oeconomia
2020, 54 (2), s. 103-112
p-ISSN: 0459-9586
Theoretical background: The variability of the company’s profitability is the result of the accompanying risk. To compare the profitability of many companies, relative profitability measures, which include profitability ratios, are more convenient. This article analyses market and accounting risk factors of CAPM. Risk was considered in variance and downside framework. Market betas, accounting betas were used in an extended version of the asset pricing model. Additionally, the influence of profitability ratios, such as ROA and ROE on the average rate of return on the capital market are considered. Purpose of the article: The main purpose of this study is to test the standard and extended CAPM relations between systematic risk measures and mean returns for single companies quoted on the Polish capital market and equally-weighted portfolios in two approaches: variance and downside risk. Research methods: The research based on individual securities and portfolios, compares the one-factor risk-return relationships with two-factor ones estimated using mean returns in cross-sectional regressions. The regressors were expressed in absolute terms and classical and downside beta coefficients. The sample includes companies differing in terms of size and across different industries. Main findings: Portfolios with higher classical or downside market betas generate higher mean returns. The negative risk premium for accounting betas for variance and downside risk was identified. It is not in accordance with our earlier study of the Polish construction sector, where a positive and significant risk premium for downside accounting betas was found. The highest explanatory power of rates on returns on the Polish capital market were found for average ROA and ROE. This confirms the results of the previous studies on the Polish capital market for food and construction sectors.
downside risk; accounting beta; CAPM; ROA; ROE
Nazarczuk Jarosław M., Umiński Stanisław, Brodzicki Tomasz
Determinants of the spatial distribution of exporters in regions: the role of ownership
Annals of Regional Science
2020, 64 (3, Spec. Iss.), s. 547-574
p-ISSN: 0570-1864/e-ISSN: 1432-0592
Spatial distribution of exporters only recently has attracted the attention of researchers, while the location of economic activity as such has been subject of profound analysis for a long time. Regions have become more open and thus vulnerable to external shocks. Nevertheless, the increase in the number of exporters in the population of firms is one of the top priorities of regions’ economic policy agenda, as it improves competitiveness and overall productivity. Literature overview shows an important gap, which is insufficient consideration of the role of ownership, as regards the determinants of the spatial distribution of exporters. The study identifies the differences between the determinants of spatial location of foreign-owned exporters (FOEs) and domestic-owned exporters (DOEs), in particular the role of metropolis, the proximity to infrastructure and the consequences of historical factors and thus the path dependency. The FOEs and DOEs differ in their location preferences. In particular, our results indicate that FOEs pay more attention to proximity to infrastructure and are more susceptible to the presence of agglomeration externalities in the vicinity of metropolitan areas. In addition, historical factors affect the spatial distribution of exporters, especially if the interaction of path dependency and infrastructure endowment is introduced.
lokalizacja, handel zagraniczny, regiony, eksport, BIZ
Mioduszewski Jarosław
Aspects of farmland lease in the context of homestead functioning in Warmian-Masurian Voivodship
Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
2020, 22 (1), s. 250-259
p-ISSN: 1508-3535/e-ISSN: 2450-7296
The aim of this research was to identify and assess the impact of chosen aspects of farmland lease on the functioning of homesteads in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodship. It was achieved through an opinion poll carried out with the use of questionnaires among 101 leaseholders and purchasers from the region of Warmia and Masuria. By the end of 2017, over 4.74 mln ha of land was purchased by the Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury (APAoST). The lands of the State Treasury were spatially diverse but the majority was located in north-west Poland. Firstly, they underwent a process of management privatization (administration and lease), and later proprietorial privatization (sale). At the end of 2017, 3,4m ha of purchased lands were permanently managed, the majority of which (80.4%) were sold. The Treasury still owns 1.4 mln ha of lands and leases 1.03 mln ha of it, 11.8% of which is located in the Warmia and Masuria Province. The decision on the form of cultivating the farmlands (lease/purchase) was determined financially (mostly mortgages and private funds), whereas their development and functioning were mostly determined by resources (area and quality of farmland, machinery park), price of farmland, profitability of production, and demand for farm produce. The possible development of homesteads was strongly impacted by a financial barrier, which resulted from the availability of funds needed, liabilities, legal-formal regulations regarding the purchase/lease of agricultural properties, lease rent, and instalments for purchased land.
Perception of food security at household level by students of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Economic and Regional Studies
2020, 13 (1), s. 33-46
p-ISSN: 2451-182X
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Celem badań było poznanie jak studenci Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie postrzegają bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe na poziomie gospodarstwa domowego. Zbadano czy młodzi ludzie potrafią zdefiniować pojęcia związane z tematem oraz jak bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe jest przez nich oceniane. Materiały i metody: Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankiety. Badanie było przeprowadzone na trzech różnych wydziałach wśród studentów trzeciego roku na kierunkach: ekonomia, prawo oraz bioinżynieria produkcji żywności. Wykorzystano dostępne dane statystyczne. Wyniki: Większość badanych uznała poziom bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego gospodarstw domowych w Polsce jako satysfakcjonujący. W większości gospodarstw domowych respondentów wydatki na żywność w relacji do dochodu, kształtują się na wyższym poziomie niż średnio w kraju. Badani studenci mieli podobny poziom wiedzy na temat pojęć związanych z bezpieczeństwem żywnościowym. Wnioski: Bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe w gospodarstwach domowych badanych studentów jest zapewnione. Dostępność ekonomiczną do żywności w gospodarstwach domowych badanych studentów można określić jako dobrą, ponieważ większość z nich może nabywać produkty wysokiej jakości, zgodnie z preferencjami.
Competitiveness of sports market enterprises: determinants, classification, challenge
Ekonomia i Prawo
2020, 19 (2), s. 367-377
p-ISSN: 1898-2255/e-ISSN: 2392-1625
Motivation: Over recent years, dynamic development of new sectors and industries has been observed. As research conducted in 2004 shows in the entire European Union, sport generated 407 billion EUR of value added, which is 3.7% of GDP of the entire EU. At the same time, it generated 15 million jobs, which is 5.4% across the EU. According to the Report of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism presented in 2010 named Rachunek Satelitarny Sportu dla Polski, in the 2006 in Poland, the total value of demand for sports goods and services was PLN 20.7 billion. This is equivalent to the share of GDP in total Polish GDP in 2006 at 1.96%. Increasing the number of entities on the sports goods and services market mainly on the supply side resulted in increased competition and the need to devote their attention to elements related to competitiveness. Aim: This paper aims to present the main determinants, analyze and attempts to classify sports market entities in team-played disciplines. The study included subjects competing in the field of volleyball. Results: As a result of the study, conclusions regarding the manner of their rivalry and the instruments of competition used for this purpose were presented. A group of factors shaping a competitive position was listed. One of the major conclusions was statement that clubs competitive position can only be measured in terms of sport results. This is due to the fact that there are different priorities in shaping the budget. Part of the sport entities may focus on maximizing the budget while some maximize profit. The paper is the starting point for further research on competitiveness on the sports market to be gradually extended by further disciplines.
Contributions to inflation after euro adoption: the case of Central and Eastern European countries
Ekonomia i Prawo
2020, 19 (2), s. 305-318
p-ISSN: 1898-2255/e-ISSN: 2392-1625
Motivation: Based on theory, the introduction of a single currency should cause a decrease in transaction costs, which in effect should lead to a drop in consumer prices. However, there is a common perception that the introduction of the single currency is conductive to excessive price increases with this providing a sufficient justification against the introduction of the euro. People subjectively estimate information on a certain economic phenomenon, and that estimation may not necessarily correspond to facts. The discrepancy between perceived inflation and its actual level in the new euro area member states may result from different inflation levels among varying consumption categories. Aim: The aim of the presented research is to assess the impact of the introduction of the single currency (euro) on the inflation rate in a breakdown by COICOP category in 5 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which in the years 2007–2015 adopted the common EU currency. Results: The research was carried out using the comparative method. The inflation indicators were used in 12 categories of classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP). The research was conducted using a medium-term perspective: from the five years before the adoption of the euro to five years after its implementation. After the adoption of the euro, prices grew faster than the general indicator of inflation in two COICOP categories. The first of them was restaurants and hotels; while the second was alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics. In the case of other inflation categories, no regularity was observed. In all investigated Central and Eastern European countries, the medium-term HICP inflation was lower after euro adoption than before.
euro area; new member states; inflation; euro adoption
Stanowicka Agnieszka
The image of a city in selected theories of regional development
Ekonomia i Prawo
2020, 19 (1), s. 135-148
p-ISSN: 1898-2255/e-ISSN: 2392-1625
Motivation: The image of the city is its non-physical resource which, if properly used, can become a factor in its development, attracting both capital and human resources of the city (e.g. tourists, investors, residents). According to the author, the municipality should create a model of the city’s development, which will define its desired state — the image which they will aim, stimulating its growth and development. In the construction of this model, and therefore the strategy of creating image of the city, it is advisable to identify the factors that determine this development. On the basis of economics, the theories of regional development deal with the identification and assessment of development factors. Aim: Image as a non-physical and internal resource of the city, is part of the scope of endogenous theories. The aim of the article is to review and evaluate these in terms of consideration the image of the city. Results: Theories of regional development are not mutually exclusive, each theory introduces other development factors to the analysis, not excluding the most often assumptions and factors exposed in other theories. The assessment of the city’s development potential (which results from the region’s development) should not come from the adopted theory of regional development, but on the basis of known theories the factors creating cities image should be identify to improve his development.
regional development; city development; image; identity
Witkowska-Dąbrowska Mirosława T., Napiórkowska-Baryła Agnieszka, Świdyńska Natalia K.
Harmonization of criteria and operationalization of sustainable development indicators in the assessment of bioproducts
Ekonomia i Środowisko
2020 (1), s. 58-73
p-ISSN: 0867-8898/e-ISSN: 2300-6420
This article analyses sustainable development indicators for the assessment of bioproducts. It also determines criteria for the operationalization of bioproduct assessment on the basis of available literature on the subject and the opinions of entrepreneurs producing packaging made of petroleum derivative materials. The results of literature and questionnaire studies indicate that indicators used for the assessment should accurately reflect the process or state of affairs they present, and be clear for every stakeholder throughout the entire supply chain.